PAX Partner One Day + Training
About Partner One Day Plus Training
What is a PAX Partner?
PAX Partners are teachers, counselors, or other school support staff already trained in the PAX Good Behavior Game (PAX GBG) who wish to learn how they can support, sustain, and expand PAX implementations. PAX Partners support other trained PAX Teachers in implementation fidelity by providing guidance and troubleshooting, collecting and analyzing data, and assisting in integrating PAX with other initiatives such as PBIS. PAX Partners may be internal school staff as well as community-based professionals who work in schools.
About One Day Plus PAX Partner Training
This training consists of 6 hours of live virtual training and 4 hours of asynchronous content where participants are provided with skills, strategies and resources to support PAX Teachers in their PAX GBG implementations. Participants in training receive access to all of the resources they need to start supporting PAX GBG implementation right away!
Resources for PAX Partners
PAX Partners receive a specialized PAX Partner Manual and ongoing support from PAXIS, including monthly newsletters, virtual twice-monthly PAX Chats, invitation to participate in an online PAX Partner learning community, access to reproducible resources as a member of paxis.org, and use of the PAX UP! Partner App.
PAX Partner One Day + Training
If you would like to request a specific training date for your group, email us at paxgbg@esc13.net

Funding made possible (in part) by grant award number H79TI085747 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and with the support of The Texas Health and Human Services Commission. The views expressed in training materials, publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services or Texas Health and Human Services Commission; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. or Texas Government.