PAX Texas
PAX is Proven Prevention
PAXIS and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission have partnered to offer free trainings to those working with children or families throughout Texas in both in and out of school settings. PAX is evidence-based, trauma-informed, culturally responsible, improved education outcomes, better mental health, and less substance use!

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What is PAX
PAX is the single most proven classroom-based universal preventive intervention.
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Training Opportunities
Do you need to train a campus or district? Please email us at

PAX Good Behavior Game for Elementary
Provides classroom based strategies to educators & staff to implement evidence-based Kernels to decrease problematic behavior, improve academic performance, & increase student engagement.
Grades Kindergarten-6th

PAX Good Behavior Game for Early Childhood
This is a school-based, classroom preventive intervention implemented by educators to teach students self-regulation; now available in a specialized variation targeting early childhood.
Children aged 3-5

PAX Good Behavior Game for Adolescents
PAX Good Behavior Game for Adolescents addresses the unique social and neurobiological changes that youth undergo during adolescence targeting middle and high school.
Grades 7th-12th

PAX Next Steps Training
Targets teachers already trained in PAX Good Behavior Game. This training helps participants recalibrate implementation and expand upon strategies for improved outcomes.

Provides experienced PAX Teachers strategies for use with students in PAX classrooms who demonstrate more intensive behavioral needs selecting targeted Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports to improve their behavioral and academic performance.

PAX Partner Training
Provides coaching and professional development for staff to guide & support PAX GBG implementation, collect data, troubleshoot, expand implementation, and integrate PAX GBG with other school-wide initiatives.

PAX Tools For Human Services
PAX Tools for Human Services is a collection of trauma-informed evidence-based behavioral strategies for adults who work with young people in their professional practice. This allows youth-serving professionals to improve youth outcomes by incorporating research-based, trauma-informed strategies into their professional role.

Community Educator Training
Provides training to become a Certified PAX Tools Community Educator for families in the community. This is a collection of trauma-informed, research-based behavior strategies for families and communities to promote the development of self-regulation in children.

PAX Tools For Youth Workers
Provides trauma-informed, evidence-based strategies for those working with youth in the community during out-of-school time. PAX Tools for Youth Workers is a collection of research based strategies to improve cooperation and self- regulation in children.

PAX Tools For Caregivers
PAX Tools for Caregivers is a workshop providing trauma-informed, evidence-based behavioral strategies for all caregivers who support children
in care.

PAX Tools for Youth Development
PAX Tools for Youth Development is a collection of trauma-informed evidence-based behavioral strategies for site directors and full time staff who work with young people in out-of-school time programs like ACE and Boys and Girls Clubs.
PAX Videos
Dive Deeper
PAX Tools
PAX Tools is a collection of evidence-based, trauma-informed strategies to improve cooperation and self-regulation with youth.
PAX Community Impact
Learn more about the impacts of PAX implementation in Ohio.

Funding made possible (in part) by grant award number H79TI085747 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and with the support of The Texas Health and Human Services Commission. The views expressed in training materials, publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services or Texas Health and Human Services Commission; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. or Texas Government.